This Strange Garment, by Nicole Callihan
Congratulations to Nicole whose poem "Being that it is late" was featured on Verse Daily on September 9, 2023.
Congratulations to Nicole who has received a 2023 Sustainable Arts Foundation Award. The author of This Strange Garment. She is one of only 4 poets to receive this award this year.
Congratulations to Nicole for receiving a review of This Strange Garment at Publishers Weekly.
Congratulations to Nicole whose poem "The Extravagant Stars" was read by Ada Limon on The Slowdown on February 4, 2022.
Congratulations to Nicole who has received a 2023 Sustainable Arts Foundation Award. The author of This Strange Garment. She is one of only 4 poets to receive this award this year.
Congratulations to Nicole for receiving a review of This Strange Garment at Publishers Weekly.
Congratulations to Nicole whose poem "The Extravagant Stars" was read by Ada Limon on The Slowdown on February 4, 2022.
Praise for This Strange Garment
Nicole Callihan’s semantic debates and whimsical linguistics in This Strange Garment open the reader to more than the pain, treatment, and aftermath of breast cancer. We also get the “god in the scars.” Hers is a mind of lyrical curiosity, turning life around and finding prisms. Let her show you how to “place lady slipper orchids where your flesh used to be.” Let these poems pull you into a life “severed but raptured.”
—Lauren Camp, 2022-2025 New Mexico Poet Laureate
Nicole Callihan’s semantic debates and whimsical linguistics in This Strange Garment open the reader to more than the pain, treatment, and aftermath of breast cancer. We also get the “god in the scars.” Hers is a mind of lyrical curiosity, turning life around and finding prisms. Let her show you how to “place lady slipper orchids where your flesh used to be.” Let these poems pull you into a life “severed but raptured.”
—Lauren Camp, 2022-2025 New Mexico Poet Laureate
Nicole Callihan’s poetry has appeared in American Poetry Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Tin House, Copper Nickel, Kenyon Review, and as a Poem-a-Day feature from the Academy of American Poets. Her books include SuperLoop, a collection of poems published in 2014. In 2015, she received, with Zoë Ryder White, the Baltic Writing Residency Chapbook Contest Award for their chapbook A Study in Spring (Rabbit Catastrophe Press, 2015). She is also the author of The Deeply Flawed Human, Downtown, Aging, and Translucence, a dual-language, cross-culture collaboration with Palestinian poet Samar Abdel Jaber. She taught in New York University’s Expository Writing for twenty years and now hosts both informal and formal online poetry gatherings. She lives in New York City. Available at Amazon B&N |