The Doll Collection
The Doll Collection is the first book published by Terrapin Books and the first-ever anthology to focus on poems about dolls. This anthology includes 88 poems by 89 poets. We are delighted to have an Introduction written by poet Nicole Cooley. Nicole has authored several poetry collections and has a non-fiction book about dolls in the works, so she was a perfect choice for the Introduction. We are very proud to introduce this collection to the world.
Dolls are small icons of memory and magic. They tell us much about ourselves—little vessels of love made of porcelain, wood, or plastic—bringing out all that is humane in us. These 88 poems imaging dolls have a surprising literary impact; because every kind of curiosity and caring is revealed—animating the inanimate.
—Grace Cavalieri, The Washington Independent Review of Books
Doll culture is much much more than doll as object, as this anthology excels in showing. The doll embodies cultural histories, and are more akin to Joseph Cornell’s memory boxes than anything else. The doll also embodies emotional histories and traumas...With this fascinating collection, Diane Lockward has succeeded in editing an anthology that places the doll centre shelf in the poetic canon.
--Deirdre Hines, Sabotage Reviews
There are more themes in this anthology than I can possibly do justice to in a short review—abortion, fathers, doll-makers, paper dolls, doll hospitals, the Dionne quints; and there are forms galore. . . Each selection is a masterpiece, and each—in its way—vivifies for us what Marjorie Tesser in “American Girl” calls the “glut of love.”
--Judy Swann, Mom Egg Review
—Grace Cavalieri, The Washington Independent Review of Books
Doll culture is much much more than doll as object, as this anthology excels in showing. The doll embodies cultural histories, and are more akin to Joseph Cornell’s memory boxes than anything else. The doll also embodies emotional histories and traumas...With this fascinating collection, Diane Lockward has succeeded in editing an anthology that places the doll centre shelf in the poetic canon.
--Deirdre Hines, Sabotage Reviews
There are more themes in this anthology than I can possibly do justice to in a short review—abortion, fathers, doll-makers, paper dolls, doll hospitals, the Dionne quints; and there are forms galore. . . Each selection is a masterpiece, and each—in its way—vivifies for us what Marjorie Tesser in “American Girl” calls the “glut of love.”
--Judy Swann, Mom Egg Review
The Doll Collection has also been beautifully reviewed at Reiter's Block.
Another wonderful review appears at Writer Site.
Another wonderful review appears at Writer Site.
Terrapin Books is proud to have the work of photographer Emanuel Mazzoni displayed on the cover of our first book. Mazzoni lives in Italy but travels extensively to do his work as a photographer. This image was taken at the Antique Doll Museum in L'Isle sur la sorgue, Provence. |
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