Published: Wheel, by Hayden Saunier
Congratulations to Hayden whose poem "News from the Neighborhood" is co-winner of the 2024 Graybeal-Gowen Prize from Shenandoah, chosen by Tim Siebles
Praise for Wheel:
Hayden Saunier’s Wheel contains much wisdom, much humor, many quiet reveries, lots of farm and house chores, much regret and gratitude. For all its constant motion, it’s a tight collection governed by theme and voice, but also by powerful formal means, especially repeated music and imagery, marked out in something like sonata form. Wheel all but refuses to be read silently; readers may find themselves unknowingly slipping into recitation. This is the work of a poet at full throttle, full voice, persuading us to join her as she stands in a winter suit of hand-me-downs amid a storm of beauty, loss, and bright abundance, feet in rubber boots, wheeled round, firmly grounded in chastening, gladdening splendor.
—John Timpane
Hayden Saunier’s Wheel contains much wisdom, much humor, many quiet reveries, lots of farm and house chores, much regret and gratitude. For all its constant motion, it’s a tight collection governed by theme and voice, but also by powerful formal means, especially repeated music and imagery, marked out in something like sonata form. Wheel all but refuses to be read silently; readers may find themselves unknowingly slipping into recitation. This is the work of a poet at full throttle, full voice, persuading us to join her as she stands in a winter suit of hand-me-downs amid a storm of beauty, loss, and bright abundance, feet in rubber boots, wheeled round, firmly grounded in chastening, gladdening splendor.
—John Timpane
Hayden Saunier is the author of five poetry collections, most recently A Cartography of Home (Terrapin Books, 2021). She is also the author of How to Wear This Body (Terrapin Books, 2017); Tips for Domestic Travel (Black Lawrence Press, 2009), a St. Lawrence Award Finalist; Say Luck (Big Pencil Press, 2013), which won the 2013 Gell Poetry Prize; and a chapbook, Field Trip to the Underworld (Seven Kitchens Press, 2012), winner of the Keystone Chapbook Award. Her work has been published in such journals as Beloit Poetry Journal, Nimrod, Southern Poetry Review, Tar River Poetry, and Virginia Quarterly Review. Her work has also been featured on Poetry Daily, The Writer's Almanac, and Verse Daily. She is the recipient of a 2023 Pushcart Prize, the 2011 Pablo Neruda Prize, the 2011 Rattle Poetry Prize, and the 2005 Robert Fraser Award. A poet, actor, and teaching artist, she holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars and lives on a farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
This title is part of our Redux series. website Available at Terrapin Bookstore Amazon B&N |